Sunday, December 30, 2012

{Christmas Letter 2012}

As the year comes to a close and we reflect back over this year’s events, we are reminded of how fortunate we are. Although, we’ve made a few trips to the doctor with broken bones, and we’ve had an occasional car break down, overall things have been busily operational here at the Earl’s.    
Ashtyn (1st grade) is consumed with Dance, Gymnastics, and Singing. She’s also taken a shine to reading practically everything within her grasp. She loves school and her teacher. She’s lost most of her front teeth and hopes that Santa will be kind enough to drop some replacements in her stocking.
Jantzen (6th grade) is obsessed with Soccer, Soccer Shoes, and Origami. He continues to be a very energetic young man who is now a Deacon. He gave his first talk this past Sunday and it was quite a battle to get him to follow through with writing and delivering his talk, but afterward he received a lot of compliments for his preparation and poise. His goal at the beginning of the year was to beat the school record for the mile which is 6:18. He has come close with a 6:23 and hopes that next spring he’ll be able to do it.
 Hayden (8th grade) is infatuated with Piano, Technology, and Girls. We hope he stays more interested in the first two for a few more years, but he’s currently attending a few all gender parties and he’s looking forward to the Church’s New Year’s Youth Dance. He took a leading role in the school play Annie last Spring. As it turns out, he can really act. We’re not sure where he got that from, but we think his ability to easily memorize helped immensely.
Jeanie (40th grade) just turned the big “4O”. This last half of the year has slowed down a little for her enough to Zumba one or two times a week. However, from January through June she’s preoccupied with her Camp Director position which she spends an inordinate amount of time fulfilling. She hopes to stay teaching part-time, so that she can continue her chauffeur gig that our kids assigned her.
As for me, I’m still teaching the youth of America at a youth corrections facility. In order to support that habit, I’m serving in the Military for at least another year and a half which will complete 20 years. Although, I’ve enjoyed the Service, it’s not just a one weekend a month and two weeks a year deal anymore. I usually spend three or four days a month managing personnel issues, and most of the Summer working at Camp Williams helping with the frequent fires. The Military is certainly doing more with less these days. In the near future I hope to say, the Military is doing more with less of me.
We’re all hoping for a little more snow than we got last year, so we can use the ski passes we bought last year and never used. So, if any of you have a read on Climate Change please take some action.
We hope that Ya’ll have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. You’re always in our thoughts and prayers.
The Earls
Nathan, Jeanie, Hayden, Jantzen, and Ashtyn.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Cheating...that's about the only way I'll ever get caught up on blogging. So, here's our past two years together as I compare how much our family has changed. As teachers, our year runs September to September; so I'm starting there with the first day of school. Can you believe the difference in height in the boys?? Hayden was so excited to be catching up to his mom, since his feet already have! They grew from a size five at the end of 6th grade, to a size nine by the beginning of Jr. High.
2010 4th & 6th grade 2011 JR. High & 5th grade

Ashtyn was so excited to be going to school with her mama at Eaglecrest. We've been so blessed with great babysitters and here she is with her new found friend Taylor that she'll spend the next 2 years with as a part of their family. Preschool brought a love for learning her letters (finally) and a love for being the center of attention. She had great teachers with Miss Jana & Miss Angie. But this was nothing compared to her love of kindergarten. She has absolutely loved reading and school with Mrs. Lindstrom & Mrs. Mabey as she hurries home everyday to read her books to her mama.
Preschool 2010-2011 Kindergarten 2011-2012

September-the month of Jantzen's birth. Ten years were celebrated with a tour of the Real Salt Lake stadium. Eleven years with cousins, family, & mint ice cream dessert (and yes, more soccer jerseys)! This kid has more soccer shoes than will fit in his closet!
October brought new birth to our home on the Eve of Halloween. Nath and I were up 'til 4am delivering six beautiful mini schnauzer pups. It was a wonderful experience that the kids tried to stay up for but didn't make it past 10:00. The last post shows the 2 cute boys and 4 six girls that filled out home with cuddles, yawns, paw prints, and poop.
Halloween is always a favorite holiday bringing many costume changes. 2010 we had Little Rascals with Alfalfa (Jantz thought of this one on his own), disco mania, and a girlie mermaid.
Halloween 2011 we had a tennis star, headless horsemen, and ballerina...but that was just for the ward party. Once the night of trick or treat and parties came; notice some changes. The pumpkin reflecting our lego loving boy, dog lover, and purple girlie decor.
Fall has always been my favorite season with the changing of colors, hayrides, and color southern less humid weather. We enjoyed conference this year up AF canyon and decided to take our own "school" pics since prices on everything keeps going up. The kids enjoyed our little photo session!